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Eclipse Plugin: Q-U-I-G-E-N


Quigen is an Eclipse Plugin to quickly generate any kind of text content.
The content generation-engine is Velocity.

The main intention of this plugin is to provide a simple and quick way to do content generation in Eclipse based on models, which you have already in your workspace.
The main idea is to come to maximum speed in velocity development for small content transformations.
Current features:

  • Manipulation and Visualisation of Velocity context
  • Contentassistent (Inputmodel-Extensions for the Velocity-Editor)
  • One-click Content-Generation
  • Many helpful context-utils. See Documentation

Already supported Input Document Models

  • XML Files - Velocity is an easier way to deal with XML than XSLT
  • Java property files
  • Java-Class
    • Access to Java-Object (Instantiation))
    • Access to Doclet-Tags
    • Access to Sourcecode
    • Access to Bean-API
    • Access to Eclipse-JavaElement-Api
  • Simple Textfiles

Planned Features

  • Output metadata management
  • Other Input-Document transformers are planned to be pluggable. E.g.:
    • XMI (Export from different Case Tools)
    • Ecore (from Eclipse Modeling Framework)
    • Database Mapping files (e.g. Hibernate)
    • CSV-Files
  • Export generation task as ANT build-file
  • Refactoring for templates
  • ExtensionPoints for
    • Input-Document-Models
    • InitialContext-Utils
    • ContentAssistant
  • Output beautifier
  • Refresh after generation



This page is generated by Quigen [ 17.09.2004 ]
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